Game created for: Pirate Software - Game Jam 15
Theme: Shadows and Alchemy
hosted by: Pirate Software

Submitted what I was able to do. Game not finished, it's more like a proof of a proof of concept. What you can do:

- move using WASD, roll with SHIFT and attack with SPACE

- go to forest and back, fight boars that roam the woods, no drops, they can't hurt you

- open alchemy view and click on some buttons, but that's unfortunately all there is


You live in a world where every creature is connected to its shadow. By getting access to the shadow, you can get access to an individual. But right now all that people of this world were able to manage is collecting shadows of other creatures inside special crystals and using them to create equipment that boost the user based on owner of the captured shadow. Not able to collect shadows of other humans or use them for any other purposes.

You play as an alchemist that's on a mission to collect the shadow of a dragon. It's said that it may contain answers to unlocking greater potential of shadow embedded equipment and weapons, but it's really hard to come by. But you were tipped by one of your teachers in the arts of shadow alchemy of the location of one such creature.

You must traverse locations surrounding the den of this beast in order to gather shadows and create equipment necessary to defeat it. Although you were in possession of such equipment, lots of it got used on your journey here and some were simply lost in said journey.


Game Design Document

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